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Event Date:
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

4:00 pm-5:00 pm

The Sycamore School
1550 Wilson Blvd., Suite 300
Arlington, VA 22209 United States

TSS Senior Capstone Project: The United States’ Intra-rail Systems and Why We Need It For Our Future

April 16, 2024
4:00 pm
- 5:00 pm

Presented by Evan Caraway

The soon-to-be graduate of the Sycamore School, Evan Caraway, invites you to a presentation of his capstone: The United States’ Intra-rail Systems and Why We Need It For Our Future. This is a research paper that observes current regional domestic (intra-city) rail systems. It dives into each systems’ history, current status, and effects on the region in and around the rails. The paper also analyzes the uniqueness of our modern rail systems by trying to incorporate itself seamlessly with road infrastructure instead of fighting against it directly. This unique scenario in a country covered with asphalt gives countless options of how transport associations integrate their rails, including one that was established before the car era, one ambitious runner-up and the multiple systems that are just getting started. Come to the presentation to learn about the future of the steel tracks.

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Evan Caraway